
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Black and White Wednesdays and An Ode to Bacchus: Oceanus Dish

An Ode to Bacchus....

A visit back to the city, during late spring, beautiful weather and a glimpse into Roman Britan's decadance! A visit to a favourite musuem which had just opened its exhibits of the Mildenhall Treasure. As usual, one was left wanting for more, greedy for more time in the city...

This goes to  lovely event, Black and White Wednesdays managed by Cinzia, created by The Well Seasoned Cook,  hosted this week by Simona of Briciole.


  1. A beautiful work of art and a very interesting explanation. Thank you so much for sharing this with us and for contributing to Black and White Wednesday.

    1. Thankyou Simona! It is always a pleasure to participate.

  2. Beautiful! I wonder what they used to serve in it way back in those Roman British days?

  3. Beautiful and interesting explanation.

    on-going event: healthy breakfast


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