
Monday, June 25, 2012

Black and White Wednesdays: Orange Crush

This goes to Susan's Black and White Wednesdays hosted this week at My Spicy Kitchen.

We are still getting the sand out of our ears....
Some days ago we were able to visit this place at Ocean City's Harborside.

  • Maryland Crab Cake Sandwich with tartar sauce. fresh fries, one cucumber pickle slice, one pickled pepper 
  • Chicken Frisee Sandwich: grilled chicken with a crabcake dip on top.
Vegetable Crab Soup, tasted surprisingly like those South Kerala Fish Curries.

We took a break at Harborside  to dine on local delicacies. This was recommended, among a couple of other eateries in that area by  a friendly Park Ranger. There are two other eateries very near to this and the web is full of reviews on all of them.

Our youngster was not very keen but had no complaints about the food when it was sampled!

Debated between the fish platters and then finally decided to share an entree; it was just enough. Our waitress was fun; an elementary school teacher, who kept coming to the place where she started her first job. Her family was dining on the next table and when we were planning to order the Orange Crush, she pointed to them:
" I loved it ( the Orange Crush)....see after one too many of these Orange Crush, we had  1,  2,  and 3"!

All 4 adults laughed.

Her 3 teenagers  and my youngster stared back at us without any change of expression.

Embarrassing Adults.


  1. Shri,

    Can you put the font color of post white or something. it is difficult to read them. Orange crush looks delicious.

  2. Thankyou for pointing that out Swati. I have been playing around with the colours but did not get around to fine tuning them. Just lightened the background. Hope it is much more clearer?

  3. I loved that black n white click :-)

  4. Des photos magnifiques et un plat gourmand.
    Un beau menu. Merci.
    See soon

  5. Sounds like a fun place to eat out!

  6. Thankyou! Yes, Kankana, it looked like a popular place, with a clear sheet separating us from the harbor/marina.

  7. Lovely click! Thanks for participating in B&WW

  8. Shri now it better still I prefer I you lighten the background more.

  9. Thankyou Swathi. I just changed the colour. Will have more time to tweak it this week. :-)


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